This site is an archive, we are no longer releasing new episodes

The Push Pull Podcast is about making the web.

When they find the time, Kristin Valentine and Joel Barker get together in their home base of Portland and hatch ideas for projects — conceptual music albums, public presentations, short films, or themed dance parties. Sometimes these projects become a reality. Sometimes they talk about work instead.

When Kristin and Joel talk about how they think we should make the web, it gets interesting. Both are wary of purely artistic and aesthetic views of web projects. Both resist specialization and learn what they can about all the disciplines required to make the web work. Both are willing to be wrong for the sake of a good conversation. We cover content, development, design, user experience — UX to you elitist designer types — and all the other disciplines that need to be understood to compose for the web.

The Push Pull frequently invites experts in to the studio to contradict employ actual knowledge and insight to counteract the regulars. Expect the hosts to get a good smack down every once in a while.


About Joel

Joel Barker has been writing for the web since 2003. Before that he worked as an IT guy, making the networks function. In 2008 he co-founded Word Lions, now known as Lion’s Way, a firm whose motto is “We explain complicated things.” He may start excitedly talking about how much he loves his dog or trail running, but he can generally stay on topic.



About Kristin

Kristin tries to reign it in, but finds it difficult not to go off on tangents/rants, particularly as they relate to poorly formatted code and WYSIWYG editors. When she’s not ranting, she’s working as a front end developer or riding her bike all over the Pacific Northwest.
